Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cultural Creatives on Creativity

Cultural Creatives on Creativity is a blog that has interviews with different creative artists. What I like about this blog is you can read these different interviews and find out how the writer/artist got their ideas and what they do in their daily lives.

Why am I doing a review on them and what is so important about them? Well my good friend Linda St. Cyr is a fellow writer I know from the Accentuate Writers Forum and she was lucky enough to have an interview done on her from the blogger of this creative blog. In the interview, Linda talks about her daily life, how she gets her ideas, and what she does with these ideas. She is not only a writer but a painter too. Linda is a great writer and a great friend of mine. Please check out her interview on the Cultural Creatives on Creativity blog and leave a comment or two.


Laura said...

Thanks for writing about the Cultural Creatives blog. Anyone who feels they are a cultural creative is welcome to email us to be featured on the blog.